Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Superheroes and the Semi-Abandoned Church

Well, after a nice drive and some music cranked to max volume I’ve finally worked up the gumption to share more of the latest Superhero tale.

So here goes.

After our "nap" all of us were primed to go play with the evil ninjas. After psyching ourselves up, we got together as a team and tried to reach Seymour... At first I didn’t think it was going to work but thanks to our rest (and possibly the Kraken’s Eyes) we were able to get through.

It was a good thing too.

As the familiar sounds of Seymour’s brain clarified in my mind I realized that he, The Chameleon, Boe and Fuzzy-B were in the middle of a pitched battle in a deserted church somewhere in Canterbury. We all heard the sounds of shouting and then Seymour yelled, "Get your a__es over here! We’re surrounded---We need reinforcements!"

Immediately I broke communication, as did the others. Leading the way, The Aviator crashed through the doors of 117 and across the hall to the Siren. As the rest of us followed, I told Vito and his men where we were going and requested back-up. After a few tersely delivered commands, Vito’s men were sauntering casually toward the exit to their waiting humvees. (One thing I’ve learned about mobsters is that they never seem in much of a hurry to get anywhere, yet they always seem to arrive exactly when they need to).

I wondered about the tank...I had really wanted to give it a whirl...

I shot out the loading dock door and scrambled into the waiting glider.

Interesting side note... One thing they never tell you about Superhero battles is, no one ever feels really prepared. That sick feeling you got in the pit of your stomach when you were called to the principal’s office as a small child is the same feeling you get before a battle.

At first I thought it was a sign of cowardice. Not so. Basically, we’re all still animals and the prospect of a battle provokes the classic "fight or flight" response in all of us, be we pirate queens or lowly scullery wenches.

What I’m leading up to is, the flight to Canterbury was slightly tense. Though we made attempts to sound nonchalant, none of us really had our hearts in it. I knew for certain that the battle would be a real test of our abilities... We were surely outnumbered and facing villains with powers of their own with which we would be unfamiliar.

On the other hand, we were looking forward to pummeling those ninjas into paste.

Luckily, thanks to the speed of the Siren, none of us had a long time to worry about the battle before we had reached the vicinity of the battle.

About this time I once again contacted Seymour, who gave us all a situation report...Apparently, this is what we’d missed...

...After the other van took off with Boe, The Chameleon, Fuzzy-B and Seymour in the back, they’d headed straight to an abandoned church in the wilds of Canterbury. The church had been in use around 1775 when there had still been Shakers living near but it had been replaced in favor of a newer structure sometime within the first years after the Revolutionary War. Frankly, I was amazed it was still standing. Out in the woods, it didn’t even have access to a road, it seems the Guild and Shiruken’s men had basically created their own path through the woods. Sometime during the ride they’d awakenedand silently loosened each other’s bonds.

When the van in which they were sealed lurched to an uncomfortable stop, the four heroes were ready. As soon as the back door opened, Boe let loose a shout and the doors exploded off the van, nailing several Guildmembers. The Chameleon encased several more in ice and Fuzzy-B grew to his full size and began picking up random ninjas and throwing them into the trees.
Seymour used his power to shield them all from flying debris and weaponry and the four raced for the church, where they barred the only doors with forgotten pews before catching their collective breath.

After looking around for a bit, Boe discovered a rickety stairway leading to the church belfry and went up to do some recon.

He discovered quite soon that the church was right in the center of a sizeable encampment of ninjas and Guildmembers.

Our friends found themselves surrounded… They’d sealed themselves in as effectively as a teenager in a horror movie who runs upstairs when trying to escape a psycho with a knife…

They settled in to wait until they’d heard from the rest of us. Apparently,
tried numerous times to reach both myself and the others but it seems that he made this attempt when we were in our strange dream-state and we were unreachable. All he got was a snowy picture and the tune to "My Heart Will Go On." (I told him I’d explain later).

About this time, Shaggy, The Aviator, Lizzard and I emerged from the Siren (which the Aviator had set down in a small clearing in the woods not far from the camp). Shaggy took off ahead, gliding silently from tree to tree doing recon for us and keeping touch via our "connection." Several times he’d dropped down on unsuspecting Guildmembers from above, skewering them with bone shards and sometimes a few choice rocks, effectively clearing our way to the rest of the team.

Then, things got a bit complicated.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the main body of the camp, Shaggy returned to us, breathing a bit heavily from his excursions but smiling impishly. He made an attempt to look more serious upon getting an angry glower from the Aviator but as soon as his back was turned, our formerly winged friend gave him the finger and rolled his eyes.

"I saw that," muttered the Aviator, rummaging around in his backpack for a handfull of small ball-bearings he was planning to use for ammo.

That was when we smelled it... wood smoke. A lot of woodsmoke.

Coming from the front of the church.

This could be bad...

No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.