Saturday, March 8, 2008

Rain and Chinese Food...Today Sucks

So I didn't sleep last night... Well, I did, but I had the freakiest dreams and kept waking up.

Perhaps it's a result of staying up late and trying to write a Surreal poem...

At least that's what I'm blaming it on.

So here's the dream...

I found myself standing in a deserted parking lot. Somehow I knew I was in Laconia, though it didn't look anything like Laconia. It was totally empty, cold and there was no sound whatsoever. There were no cars and I had no idea how I'd ended up there.

I looked around and walked for a while until I came to the high school. Again, even though I'd never actually been to LHS, I knew exactly where I was. There were lights on and people inside, so I went in. I was greeted at the door by several of my Saltminers and the first thing Seymour asked me was, "Where have you been? We've been waiting for you so we could start!"

My question was, "So you could start what?"

At this point SadisticDentist, 1976Queen, and Shaggy came in and also asked where I'd been. I was incredibly confused but everyone seemed so happy to see me that I ignored the confusion and just felt elated myself since they were so excited that I'd finally arrived.

I followed them into an enormous concert hall and sat down in a spot that was sort of a combination between a front row in an auditorium and a set of bleachers. (I can't really describe the seemed to go all the way to the ceiling, where it disappeared). Though it was night time outside when I'd come in, there was sunlight streaming in through the back windows. The concert hall itself was quite dark and there were no instruments anywhere but background music was coming from somewhere behind me. There were several sets of risers in front of me and lots of people I didn't know were standing on them and getting ready to give a concert. There were also a few I did know, and it was weird, because not all of the people getting ready to sing were current Saltminers and most of them weren't even singers. It didn't seem to matter at the time.

For some reason there weren't any other audience members. I remember thinking that it seemed odd that there were no one else, but again, it didn't seem important. For a few minutes I just made myself comfortable and waited with my hands in my lap and a smile on my face.

As the performance was about to begin, I started to feel really edgy. Something was wrong... everyone else was getting ready to sing, and Shaggy and Seymour had disappeared. I knew they were going to miss the concert and I knew that they were going to be performing solos (the knowledge just suddenly appeared in my when you think you've lost your glasses and then realize that they are in your hand).

I got up from my seat and went to some sort of back stage area to look for them. After wandering around for quite some time (I kept getting lost in the curtains) I found them both in a back room. When I asked them why they weren't on stage they told me they'd decided they weren't going to go on. Seymour wouldn't say anything at all to me and all Shaggy would say was, "I'm not ready, I don't think I'm good enough to do it."

I became very upset. Actually, that's a bit of an understatement. I got right up in both of their faces one at a time and DEMANDED that they go out on stage. I think I actually yelled at them (that's really something, since anyone who knows me is well aware that I almost never yell...when I'm really upset I generally get very, very quiet...if anything my voice has a tendency to go down an octave or so...) When they flatly refused to respond to me I actually started crying. In fact, I was so upset by what they said, (and/or refused to say) that when I started crying I WOKE UP from the dream I was crying so hard. (Yeah, it was one of those kind of dreams). After a moment or two I somehow fell back to sleep and was right back where I'd been before I'd woken up, looking at Shaggy and Seymour. I demanded that they go on stage, since they were the only reason I'd shown up in the first place. Finally I actually grabbed each of them by the hand, Shaggy with my left and Seymour with my right, and pulled them toward the stage.

Finally, they acquiesced and went on.

After the concert was over (it was a good one...In fact, good enough to make me cry again...weird) I found myself out in the parking lot once more, at which point I woke up for a second time and gave up on sleep, heading to the kitchen for a soda.

Surreal huh?

Now I keep feeling the need to go back to bed and get some real sleep...


Maybe it's just the MSG in the Chinese food...

No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.