Monday, March 24, 2008

Pfft... A Flaming Church Can't Scare a Superhero

...The smell of a cooking church drifted to all of our noses at approximately the same time.

For just an instant I actually found myself wondering if there were any marshmallows in my backpack and then I snapped back to reality (ADD strikes again, what can I say)?

My first instinct was to rush around to the front of the church and try somehow to get to our friends. Luckily, I was thwarted by both the Aviator and Lizzard, who both saw what I was about to do and grabbed me by the arms. I say luckily because at very nearly the same moment, a sizeable group of Guildmembers and ninjas came racing around the corner of a large tent, headed in exactly the same direction.

At this point reason re-asserted itself and I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. The fire, still invisible must’ve been growing in intensity. Though I couldn’t see or hear flames, the smell of smoke was getting stronger and dark clouds were billowing into the sky. Lizzard, who’d managed to keep her cool slightly better than I, was already in contact with Seymour, who was informing her (and all of us) that the Chameleon was sending ice sheeting down the front of the church, coating and dampening the wood... Our four comrades were relatively safe for the moment, though no one was really sure just how strong the structure of the church was...

At this point The Aviator suggested that we pull back into the woods a ways to consider our options.

We agreed and moved back through the trees to ponder our next move...

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Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.