Monday, March 10, 2008

A Continuing Search...Spiritus Mundi Where Are You?

As I continued down the dark road I continued to clear my mind as much as possible.

Somewhere up ahead through the densely packed trees I saw a dim light shine. Slowing my steps and my breathing, I tried not to allow hope to speed me toward the glow.

For a moment I stopped entirely and soaked up the wintry night silence. What I could see of the sky through the limbs above was a deep navy, pocked with sparkling stars. They shone like glitter across the face of the universe and lifted me with them for a moment.

Until I heard the crying.

It was a small, plaintive wail and it came from the same direction as the light.

I would have recognized that voice anywhere. It was Edgar.

I desperately longed to shout his name and tell him I was on my way but the voice of Spiritus Mundi at last spoke to me in a voice that seemed to come from the stars. It whispered deep into my soul... "gently...quietly...He will wait for you."

I choked down my answering cries and stumbled forward a step. The mud of the ruts was tripping me up, as though the earth fought with the stars for control over my behavior. For a moment it was completely up in the air as to which one would win but at last the stars began to resume their musical whispers.

From somewhere deep inside I summoned the courage to be silent and again moved slowly toward the light. The stars were silent again but they had told me all they needed to and I could feel the memory of their song as a warmth inside the core of my being.

Within a few minutes I had gained enough distance to see my destination more clearly. It was a small hovel with only one window. Again, I heard the beseeching cries of my friend. Again, I fought for control of my own voice. Again, I barely held on.

When I reached the plywood door of the shack I hesitated, listening for sounds other than that of my friend's painful cooing. There was nothing at first. And then I heard it... a low, furious growl.

My hand froze in its position on the frame of the door and I breathed in sharply...

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Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.