Thursday, March 6, 2008

Early Morning Conspiracy Theory

I was told that on Sunday we will be losing an hour.

This freaks me out a little.

What I want to know is, where exactly does that extra hour go when we lose it?

Does it go somewhere to hang out with all the other missing hours?

Is it possible that somewhere there is a room, a large room where all of the hours we can't account for in our lives get together, drink soda, eat chips, play Rock Band, Halo 3 and DDR, and talk about the stupid stuff we've done that we've forgotten about?

Do those hours laugh at us and talk about how lame we are?

I wonder this since I know for a fact that I remember things that most people don't.


One time, when I was just a little Pirate Princess, I was talking with some friends in college about school. None of my friends could remember elementary school.

I have never had this luck. To this day, not only can I tell you the names of every teacher I ever had, I can also describe every classroom, friend and most of the details of my life. I remember everything.

The Bearded One insists that this makes me a total freak. He has often said to me, "Aikens, how the hell do you remember that?"

I don't know. I just do.

Some other things I remember...people's middle names and exactly where I was and what I was thinking when I first saw them (seriously...ask if you don't believe me). Apparently, if I hear something, even if it seems like an inane detail, I remember it, basically forever. I firmly believe that I remember things that people say and do that completely escape their notice.

In some ways, this is good. In other ways...not so much. Apparently my brain never shuts off, even when I want it to.

So the idea of losing an hour really pisses me off. What if something happened in that missing hour that I would WANT to remember?

Memories, for me at least, are like small treasures wrapped in tissue paper that I take out of their boxes, turn over in my hands, and study. They make me feel warm when the world is cold and dark...

So I say, fight the power. Deny that missing like there are 25 hours in every day. Choose memory.

But if you do choose to let that hour go... Remember this, if nothing else,

I'll remember for you.

And I'll remember you, even if you forget.

Seriously, ask me anything.

Just call me the Oracle of Memory. I'll tell you things you've forgotten.


No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.