Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Pirate Queen Missive to "The Quiet Ones"

It has been recently brought to my attention, that when I was myself but a wee kidlet, I was oppressed.

I don't mean by Tha Man, or by The System, or anything else... Nope. I was oppressed by good, old-fashioned love, with the best of intentions. Don't worry, this is not an anti-family diatribe. I love my family. I would not trade them under any circumstances.

However, I was most definitely oppressed.

Now on to the good stuff.

Here's what... I recently saw an old teacher of mine. She recognized me immediately, and we had a short conversation. When I mentioned that I was a bit surprised that she remembered me, she said,

"Oh, I think most teachers remember the quiet ones, especially when the other kids in class were absolute horrors on a daily basis."

Well... I think this pretty much sums it up.

Unfortunately, us "Quiet Ones" rarely get the recognition we deserve. The glory, and sadly, most of the attention seems to be dedicated to either the Superstars, or the Psychos.

That is so totally unfair. Seriously.

And frankly, it pisses me off.

To that end, I would like to dedicate this small missive to "the Quiet Ones."

Dear Students:

You, ladies and gentlemen, are the backbone of every teacher's life. You are the ones who get us through the days when we are positive that no one is listening, that everyone wants us to die horrible screaming deaths, and that all the kids we work with are determined to make us look foolish and show us up as clueless half-wits who shouldn't even be allowed to collect a check.

You know who you are. You sit in the back of the room. Usually, you have no desire to be there. Still, when I ask you for your homework, or I tell you to get started, you quietly follow directions, and try to give me what I ask for.

In every class, in every year, there are a few of you. You know who you are. You're the one who just wants to get the job done and get the hell out of school. You are the one who is dying NOT to be noticed by the teacher, let alone called on. You are the one who dodges insults in the hall and dreads every single syllable that is forced past your stammering lips. You smile, or don't, and just try to get by.

I want you to know this.

I remember you.

When you were in my classroom, I saw that you liked to read, and I loaded you down with every book I could find. I looked forward to having the chance to talk about those books with you when you came in early or were the last person out of the classroom. I admired you for all the talent that I could see and you could not. I got pissed off on your behalf when other kids either acted like you weren't there, or gave you even a minuscule hard time. I came up with lessons and projects that I was pretty sure that you would like, and I organized my classroom so that you didn't have to have attention called to you unless you wanted it. I have tried to find things to joke about with you, and you alone, so that you would know that someone knew you were there, and someone who was part of the system cared about you. Seeing you when you were happy or we had a good chat, even if it was quick, totally made my day; and when you were sad, depressed, or angry, I worried about you on my drive home.

I have tried to make myself look like an absolute n00b as often as possible, in order to give you a reason to smile, and to keep coming back to my class. I hung around after school in order to participate, organize, or just watch your activities. I thought you were so freaking cool... and I wished everyone else could see it too.

And I knew, one day, no matter how far away... They WOULD see it.

Greatness already had a foothold in your soul.

And I remember your victories.

I saw you grow and change, from someone who wouldn't say anything, to someone with something important and special to say. I saw you gradually shed fear like a butterfly sheds its cocoon.

I am very, very proud of you.

I hope you go on to live your dream, and I hope that you will look back on me fondly as someone who made school just a little less awful. I hope you felt that I was someone you could trust, or at least not hate.

I hope I wasn't one of the people who ever hurt or disappointed you.

If I was, please, please take pity on me and try to forgive me. I know that I really am a clueless half-wit at times, but I will keep doing my best. For you, and in your honor.

I think you are so freaking awesome and amazing that there really are no words.

But the most important thing for you to know is... I admire your courage. You are one tough human being. It was, and is, so hard to be you. But you are a true survivor. When you were in school, everyone else had control over what you could say and do... But you made it.


I just hope that you know how I feel.

I would give you a kidney if you asked. Hell, I'd give you both.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


The Pirate Queen

No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture of...no relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture of...no relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.