Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On Letting Go...

Okay, so let's just agree for the next few minutes that perception is reality, just for the sake of argument.

I had a sort of epiphany today.

It was the day after the last day of school. No kids. Everyone kind of walking around, mumbling about getting various reports in, etc.

Generally on a day like today I feel nothing so much as an overwhelming sense of ending and loss... I realize that the year is over, and nothing will be the same ever again.

Today was different.

While I did get brain cramps from sitting in front of a computer screen and filling out end of the year reports and inputting grades, I found myself to be... well... happy.

Not happy that the year was over, but simply happy that I finished what I needed to do. Happy that I could look forward to next year with no particular expectations about what I was going to be teaching, who I might have in my classes, or what curriculum I needed to start working on.

You see, I realized that no matter what happens, all that stuff just ends up taking care of itself. I do whatever it is I need to do, help out in whatever way I can, and generally roll with it.

In life, I'm pretty flexible. (With the notable exception of my hacky sack playing, which sucks phenomenally).

For a long time I've had an overwhelming sense of dread and fear about what was going to happen next (with good reason).

Now, I'm just enjoying it.

What 'it' do I mean?

Well, I mean life of course, silly rabbit.

I am enjoying it, and I refuse to dwell on "should I..." thoughts.

I do what I do, and sometimes it works out.

Some days, I kick ninja ass, and on others I find myself tied up in the trunk of a stranger's car with a dead raccoon, a Japanese guy named Chuck, and a case of kielbasa.

So why fight it?

As Dr. Crazy would say, "It is what it is."

Just sayin'.

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Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.