Monday, April 21, 2008

Words, Words. Words...

I had a plan.

It was a good plan.

At least I thought so at the time.

Unfortunately, the end result of said plan was that I ended up here.

Where is "here"?

Why it's a dark, dank basement with a roaring pump in the background. I'm soaking wet and freezing cold. There is light coming in through a small, grubby window, whose face is matted with 5 o'clock shadow of spiderwebs and dead leaves.

The roaring of that damn pump is ringing in my ears...

I can't think. My feet are numb from the wire holding my ankles together and my teeth are clicking together my fear I sound like the fastest typist EVER. The only thing keeping me from giving in completely to panic is the thought that someone, somewhere will be sad if I never surface again.

The scariest thought of all is that no one will notice my absence until next Monday when I fail to show up at the Saltmine...

I can hear a thumping over-head. Feet clad in boots are making the ceiling above my head reverberate in an echo that sounds like, "doom, doom, doom, doom..."

At first it seemed like this vacation might be better than the last...

Until I got here.

Damn this basement sucks.

My jeans must weigh 20lbs by now with all the water soaked into them. I swear I'll never be warm again...I really wish I'd worn a sweater. There a flecks of rust on my arms and shoulders from lying in this puddle next to a rusty and frankly, diseased looking push lawn mower.

It's all my own fault you know.

See, I have a tendency to be a little nosey.

I really ought to know better.

And then, my feelings get stung when I realize that someone doesn't appreciate my nosiness...even though I probably have no right to be upset.

I should really learn to leave people alone and mind my own business.

Now if only I had learned that sometime BEFORE 10:27 last night...I might not be tied up, lying in a frigid puddle, counting my own breaths to keep from screaming.

Of course, then again, part of my charm is in the fact that I care so much...

"It's a blessing...and a curse."

Still, I really don't think they should have tied me up and left me here when they realized that I was spying on them.

It's just that I heard raised voices and wanted to know what they were saying... They had distracted me briefly from my rollerblading in the moonlight and my daydreaming (although night dreaming would be closer to the truth) and I figured, what was the harm in dancing myself a little closer to the car...

Bad move.

Once the members of the band had thrown me in the trunk, laughing, I freaked out and began thrashing around, until oxygen deprivation and a heinous thunk of my head on the trunk lid put me out for the duration...

So I woke up here.



Sorry for myself.

I've got my cell phone, but no one will answer my text messages for help...

Sit.Reps. to follow...

No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.