Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Frigidity and Violation

Surprisingly enough, just in case you’re wondering, this blog is not about sex.

’Cause that would be immoral...or so they say.

Actually, it is 4:08 am and I am freezing my butt off.

I ran out of oil last week, and since it will cost almost $800 dollars to refill the tank, I’m trying to ignore the cold for the next two months. It is currently 48 degrees in my house.

Luckily, I have a wood furnace in the Batcave.

Unluckily, I have no wood, so instead I’ve decided to begin chopping up and burning my furniture and all my worldly goods.

This would be fine, except for the fact that I went to bed yesterday at 6:30pm because it was a bad day.


I’ll tell you why.

I have been violated.

Yesterday I was required to be in a Saltmine meeting that lasted all day. That was fine...I guess, though it meant that I missed out on harassing Inmates for most of the day.

I would have gotten through it intact though if it hadn’t been for the fact that the person who filled in for me did something to me that was so heinous that it is nearly unspeakable...


I returned to my room, fully expecting to be embraced by the loving arms of my mess and discovered something shocking.

Someone cleaned my desk.

No, really.

Instead of random piles of crap (in which I could naturally locate almost everything I needed), I now have NEAT PILES OF CRAP.

My protective geological layers have been ordered.

Now I will never be able to locate ANYTHING.

I feel dirty and used.

Is it any wonder I went to bed early?

And now I’m screwed because I woke up at 3am. By the time 1:30 hits I’ll be so A.D.D. frazzled that I’ll be useless... And I have yet another Saltmine meeting after school.

All I can say is... a clean desk is a sign of a deranged mind. So clearly, I will soon be going completely insane.

In their defense, I will say that my inmates did stick up for me. Several who saw me in the hallways had a shocked and lost expression on their own faces... They looked at me and said,

"We tried to stop her... but she wouldn’t listen."

Thanks guys. You did your best.

We’ll just have to muddle through...

No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture of...no relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture of...no relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.