Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Just Cleaned Out My Car and My Myspace...and Boy is My Soul Tired...

Well, let's be honest right from the start here (and yes, I DO see the irony of me saying that, given my penchant for story telling and hyperbole...) as I once said,

"On a good day, people call me a story teller, on a bad one, they call me a pathological liar."

That my friends is funny (possibly) but has a grain of truth. I promised myself before I ever started this thing that I would never reveal the whole truth about anything.

I soon compromised and said that I would tell only things that were true "from a certain point of view."

Well, let's face it... I've done just that.

Recently, I've been feeling the need to clean things up. Perhaps it's simply because I sense that a change is coming and I want to be ready for it... Perhaps it's because I realize that I have a tendency to "hang on" to things, even though I know from a Buddhist perspective that "things" tend to weigh on one's soul...Holding it in place...

...Then again, perhaps I've simply lost my freaking mind.

All things being equal... The latter is definitely a genuine possibility.

Of course, I've already admitted to being the queen of hyperbole, so there isn't much I can do about that...and I still do love to tell stories. I will continue to do so.

Cleaning can only change just so much.

Besides, telling stories, writing poems and working at the Saltmine are the only things which manage to keep me even marginally sane as you well know.

Ironically enough, they are the same things that make me appear so completely insane...


Just a coincidence?

I think not.

There are no coincidences my friend... I planned all of this right from the start...

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Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.