Monday, May 26, 2008

And Speaking of Crazy...

Runners are freaks.

No, really.

I mean, my personal belief has always been that the only time one should run is when being chased either by the cops or by some large, hairy animal with sharp teeth (I'm referring to Rednecks of course).

Yet somehow, through no fault of my own (I blame DanskoGirl76) I have become one of them.

In fact, about three hours ago I set off on an adventure which will most likely live on in infamy (at least as far as my hips are concerned...

It started innocently enough...It was just going to be a short jog through the outlying environs of Smallborotonville... Yet somehow it turned into a jog of epic proportions...

I "ran" 6 miles in about an hour and a half.

I place "ran" in quotation marks because I'm fairly sure that no objective observer would call what I did Running. (Seriously, at times I was certain that any self respecting blind person with a really good seeing eye dog could have walked the equivalent distance in about half the time).

It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't all UPHILL.

I swear to Carlos...Smallborotonville has more curves and hills than Scarlett Johansen.

I'm just sayin'.

Really, the only question now is, how long is it going to take before I start walking like a little old woman in need of a walker?

1 comment:

niv4lac said...

i agree that running is stupid an gay. I recommend that you not become one of them.

and excellent word choice on the scarlet Johansen comparison.

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.