Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Superheroes Kick Ninja and Take Names

...Just after Boe climbed into the window is when it happened...

Seymour groaned and rolled over. Shaggy and Lizzard hadn't been kidding, he was most definitely He was becoming brighter every moment, in fact, it actually hurt to look at him. When he opened his eyes, his irises were gone and in there place were two burning holes where they used to be...

Suddenly his voice was everywhere, seeming to come at us from the walls, the ceiling, the very air where we stood... What he said was a bit terrifying...

"Shuriken, I know you're there and I know you're the one who did this to me! I can here you and there is no way you can escape! We are coming for you and your underlings--NOW!"

As the words came rushing around and through us, everything in the room began flying around, somehow managing not to hit Boe or I. Seymour stood up and began to float out the now missing window and into the dreary day beyond.

At the same time we heard shouts from outside and turned to look--Boe raced past me and down the stairs, ninja appeared to be coming from every direction imaginable, surrounding the house.

From the window, this is what I saw...

Seymour, using the power of his mind to lift his car and drop it on several ninja before they could do so much as scream...

Boe, turning the power of his voice on the car, causing it to burst into a ball of flame, sending several other ninjas flying through the air, where they were toasted to a crispy blackness by Lizzard...

The Chameleon, sealing several other attackers in a makeshift wall of ice...

Shaggy, dive-bombing Shruriken himself, shooting...something... from his hands...

The Aviator, sending pieces of still flaming car flying through the the pieces landed Boe would make them explode and send shards of shrapnel into more attackers...

In less than 5 minutes most of the ninjas had either run away from the fight, were trapped, or severely wounded...The only one left standing was Shuriken, who was still trying to fight off Shaggy. He had one gloved hand out and had grabbed Shaggy by one wing, he looked like he was attempting to rip out feathers by the handful and not having much luck... Just when it looked like he was about to succeed in his endeavor, Shaggy's right hand seemed to cease being a hand at all, becoming instead a mass of bony spikes and he back-handed the ninja overlord into a pile of ice and snow...

He should have been unconscious after that...or possibly even dead...

But somehow he was not.

He lay motionless and his eyes took in every one of the still amped superheroes...

Quietly, but in a voice that somehow still managed to carry to every one of us, he calmly said, "You may think you have defeated me, but the truth is you all owe me your very LIVES... Do you think it was mere coincidence that brought you together? Random chance that bonded you as a "team?" Just a whim of fate that your powers have been growing and changing ever since?

FOOLS! You have been my toys all along! I would sacrifice EVERY ONE of my underlings if it would make you stronger, better, faster, and more loyal to one another... There is great work ahead of you AS MY SERVANTS! Together we will conquer the WHOLE WORLD!!!"

At this, there was a loud bang and a puff of rancid air and the ninja leader was gone, leaving us to stare at the remains of Seymour's car and house... and each other.

We were somber as we made repairs, cleaned up as best we could and the Aviator took care of what remained of the car... No one seemed to know what to say...

After about an hour Seymour invited us in for coffee and as we sat around his kitchen table we talked in low voices about what had happened. The only conclusion we came to was that we would have to be careful in the future that any action we took as a team would be for the betterment of the world and on the side of right...

Seymour was no longer glowing and he explained to us that apparently last night he'd been shot with some sort of dart gun...He'd thought the gun was a tranquilizer, but it appears that he also was infected by the same serum that gave Shaggy and Chameleon their new powers... He found that he was becoming more and more powerful (tossing the car with his mind was the least of what he was now capable of) and it was clear that this knowledge frightened him more than a little...

The Chameleon revealed that he had learned about his new skill innocently enough when he got really angry at his snow blower during a storm last week... He'd been more than a little scared by his new skill as well, but has been learning to control it.

Shaggy showed all of us the new power that he's been also somewhat intimidated by (though, it's Shaggy we're talking about he was pretty blase about the whole thing, it's his style)... He could now use his hands like weapons, coating them in bone and giving himself claws or spikes...When he did this his hands seemed to be virtually invulnerable, and he could even shoot bits of this bone with impressive accuracy...

I think Boe said it best when he simply sat back in his chair, took a sip of coffee, stared off into the middle distance and said,

"Huh. That's what she said..."

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Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.