Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Pirate Queen Goes MIA... Superheroes Unite?

I am aware that I have been MIA for a bit.

Here's what happened...

You know how I said that I had to protect the Kraken's Eyes and I didn't want to drag the Superheroes of 117 into it?

Well, I tried.

They wouldn't let me.

When I arrived at the Saltmine to gather supplies for the epic battle I knew was coming, Shaggy, Seymour and the rest were already in my room. I opened the door, turned on the lights and gasped.

They were all sitting in the dark, waiting for me.

I stopped short, staring at them. While I made an attempt to catch my breath Seymour said, "Damn it Aikens... what are you thinking? You NEED us."

For the first time in a long time I was totally speechless.

Apparently, Seymour's powers have increased to such an extent that he had sensed my distress even though I hadn't actually sent him a call for help. Boe shook his head and Lizzard said, "I can't believe you were going to try to defeat the Guild and protect the Kraken's Eyes all by yourself... You could have been killed!"

Shaggy cracked his knuckles and said, "No kidding Aikens... What did you think we would do? Just stand by while you went off on your own? I mean really... You didn't actually plan to drive to Smallborotonville by yourself did you? I've seen your driving... Stay off the sidewalks kids..."

I briefly contemplated hitting him, then realized that, well... He was probably right.

The Chameleon took a step toward me and said, "We already know some of your plan, why don't you tell us the rest? What's this Guild that's out to get you? Why are they trying to kill you?"

Finally, I caught my breath, took a seat at a desk and told them the tragic tale...

Naturally, the Superheroes already knew that I had been raised in the Guild. It was basically a cult that controlled every move its members made. I'd had absolutely no freedom until I left when I was 18 and went off to "college" to escape their clutches.

Wanting nothing more than to hurt them, I'd taken the Kraken's Eyes with me. Originally all I'd wanted was to hurt the Guild but once I realized the potential power for good emanating from the Eyes, I'd summoned my courage and studied to be a Saltminer. I had hoped that after years of lying dormant, the Eyes would help me make the world a better place for Superheroes and Normals alike...

I'd been right. The presence and careful use of the Eyes had ultimately led me to my destiny as a Saltminer and judicious application of the power contained within them had, for the past 7 years, helped me to convert many from the sway of ignorance to the joy of knowledge...

But they were no longer safe.

The Eyes would have to be moved from their current place in 106 to a new home where no Guilds, no ninjas and no evil Saltminers would ever be able to touch and perhaps corrupt them...

The only secure location I could think of was the Batcave... In the bottom of my secret lair is a small, locked room where they might be safe...

No one knows about this room except me.

And now you...Oh, and of course the Superheroes.

Have I mentioned that it can be a real pain having a psychic for a Superhero friend? Sometimes I worry that Seymour knows too much... Can't be good for his innocence...

Anyway, the Aviator suggested that we take flight immediately, before anyone discovered my plans.

I was still a bit hesitant, not wanting the Superheroes in danger. I've begun to feel like they are all basically family, in fact, closer than family since I got to choose them and not just have them thrust upon me whether I like it or not but they were insistant. (Shaggy threatened to tie me to a desk and then have Seymour levitate me down the hallway if I argued...) Laughing, I finally gave in.

I did warn them however, that my bringing them to the Batcave was probably in direct violation of some administrative Saltmine edict about Miner/Inmate interaction outside of the boundaries of the work day... The Superheroes did not appear to be concerned, though Boe did ask, "Why is that a problem? Have we ever let rules stop us from doing anything before?"

At this point there was a long pause where a look passed from one to the other of us... We all burst out laughing at almost the same moment and then headed down the hallway to our waiting conveyance...

I think it was Shaggy who pointed out that since I'd already corrupted them by bringing them coffee, which had resulted in their superpowers in the first place, there wasn't a whole lot more I could do to them... "What're you gonna do Aikens? Kill us and use our bodies for Saltmine experiments? Since when do you teach Biology?"

I pointed out to him that no one likes a smartass.

He gave me a noogie and decimated my carefully coiffed hair.


Don't stay away too long... I haven't even gotten to the good part of the story yet.

No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture of...no relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture of...no relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.