Saturday, February 23, 2008

Seige of the Batcave

It was my lowest point ever...

And then the shooting began.

There was the sound of a monsterous explosion outside and the peachtree in the side yard which had been present only moments before was gone in an explosion of ice, bark and wood chips.

I remained frozen in the big red chair while the Superheroes rushed to the windows to look for our attackers...

As the firing commenced on the Batcave itself, Seymour threw up a shield around the perimeter of the house. Shaggy wrestled the window open and began shooting at anything that moved, bone splinters taking out first one, then two, then five of the invading Guildmembers...

Boe took off out the sliders and stood on the porch; he shouted a curse at the vehicle charging through the woods to the south and it exploded into a ball of fire and flew twenty feet into the air. His laughter sent bits of burning debris flying through the yard, impaling more of our would-be attackers.

Pulling me out of the chair and on to my feet, the Chameleon said, "Looks like we better get those Eyes into your safe spot...It's now or never."

I shook my head to clear it and then raced for the basement door, with Lizzard and Fuzzy-B following behind. Fuzzy told us he would stand before the door, just in case anyone got past Boe. Lizz shimmered and reappeared in dragon form and I took off down the basement stairs, using the secret code when I reached the bottom to open the hidden room... Once inside I gently placed the Kraken's Eyes into a lock-box. Leaving the secret room, I slammed the door behind me and it disappeared into nothingness...The relics were now as safe as I could make them...

Now I had to assist the heroes.

Lizzard was already on it, flying back up the stairs and through the door, nearly taking out Fuzzy-B with her whipping tail. She soared out the sliders and into the back yard, shooting green flame at any moving target she could sight... The Guildmembers had been decimated by Boe and Shaggy already and there wasn't much left... The Aviator and Chameleon had protected The Siren from any flying bodies or debris with a shield of ice and metal parts from destroyed vehicles, so our transport was still in top form and none the worse for the battle which had so briefly raged around her...

And then we found him...

Lying under a pine tree in the north facing entrance to my lair, blood spilling from a wound in his side, was Jay.

I was both stunned and furious. After taking the trouble to warn me, I couldn't believe that he had willingly participated on an assault on my secret abode... I approached cautiously, against the advice of my companions, who were fully prepared to end things if he attempted any treachery.

They needn't have worried, Jay was on the way out...

Once again, the words he uttered changed everything.

As he lay, gasping for breath with blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, he struggled to sit up. Finally he managed to ask me, "Are they safe?" I nodded. Then he added, "Don't be fooled Aikens, this was only a prelude, take care of your friends, they are in great danger... Andreas has a new ally, a ninja of great renown, even now the two of them are plotting together to destroy your fellowship and convert you to their side. They desire the Kraken's Eyes and will use them for great evil...I'm sorry I couldn't help more...Forgiv---"

And he was gone.

I stood, took a deep breath, and brushed myself off. Turning to the Superheroes I finally broached the subject of the note on the porch. I explained that I would understand if they all wanted to return home and protect their families...I would do my best to keep my distance so that they would be in no further danger.

The looks of shock and fury on each of their faces contained more synonyms for disbelief than any two thesaurai...

At first no one said anything... and then, a mischevious look creeping across his face, Shaggy yelled, "Group HUG Aikens!!"

A few moments later I was on my back in the snow under a pile of Superheroes.

They never take anything seriously...

Thank the gods.

Our next move would be to return to the Saltmine, find that bastard Shuriken and the rest of the Guildmembers, and put them in their places once and for all...

Wish us continued success...

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Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.