Sunday, July 11, 2010

Introverts Unite! (And Other Paradoxes)

I have a question for you... yes, you. Have you ever met someone, and liked (or disliked) them right away for no good reason that you can think of?

Second question. How often did it turn out that your first instinct was right?

This has happened to me several times in my life. I know, I know... perhaps it's all just subconscious. Perhaps something in my brain reminds me of something about the person I have just met and relates that person back to someone else I once knew. Yeah, I'm sure that the scientists amongst you would espouse that view.

Personally, I often wonder if it's more than that. Being a Buddhist, I tend to think that it's more about souls... There is a school of thought that suggests that souls actually travel in packs, and that when you meet someone who you instinctively have strong feelings about it is a result of having known them before... Sure, it sounds crazy, unlikely, and made up...

That's probably why I like it so much.

Anyway, I guess my point there is that when I meet someone who effects me that way... I have stopped ignoring it. If I like you immediately... I act. If I despise you immediately... I put my head down and RUN the other way. Of course, if you're reading this right now, it's likely that you are in the first category. I can count on two hands the number of people I know who fit into the first category right now... and not so strangely, all of them happen to be friends with me on FB. (Of course, most of them have no idea that this is why I probably went way out of my way to acquaint myself with them... and that's the way I like it. I am nothing if not a woman of mystery).

You see... I find myself thinking about this sort of thing a lot. This is not unusual because I tend to make a habit of thinking entirely too much. That's probably the very reason that I spend what other people seem to think is way too much time alone.

What can I say? I'm not really a "large gathering" type of person. While I do enjoy being around other people... Once they start socializing, I usually find myself on the periphery, wandering about, amusing myself by touching things, tapping, pacing, or finding an excuse to run out to the store for something.

Yes, friends and neighbors... I know you'll be shocked to hear this... But regardless of the fact that I basically TALK for a living... I am an introvert.

I am just as happy to be sitting alone in my room playing computer games as I am to be out in public with a large group of people.

Actually, that's not exactly true. I would be even happier if I were sitting in my room with say... one or perhaps two other people, and playing video games, etc. Frankly, I'm a hell of a lot more fun and interesting one on one than I am in a group... Unless the group is made up of people that I've known for a hell of a long time (say, family, or The Shepherds, for instance).

But seriously... in a group of say... 5 or 6... I mostly just disappear.

I get very quiet, because I just don't feel like I have a whole lot to say. I don't want to bore or annoy anyone, so I basically just shut the hell up.

On the up side... When driving long distances, I make an excellent travel companion. I seem to find limitless subjects to spazz out about, but I'm also not at all bothered by silence.

Trust me... Sometimes, silence can be your friend.

I'm boggled by people who feel the need to talk ALL THE FUCKING TIME. What's so wrong with just... Chillin'? (So to speak...ha ha).

So in the end... I guess this ramble didn't really have a point or anything... Like I said, sometimes stuff just goes through my head, runs down my neck, into my shoulders, courses down my arms and comes out through the fingertips in the form of typing. It's like a consciousness waterfall.

You, my friend, just happen to be the ocean where it ends up... Sorry.

Just sayin'.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is... You should know, that if you're on here... and I was the one who added you... It's entirely possible that I think we have known each other before. Of course... I'll never admit it. It's part of my charm.

Now think on THAT for a while.

Your friend,

V the PQ

No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.