Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How to Become a Pirate

Well, I got a question this evening from a party interested in matriculating at Aikens' Subterranean University. This lovely young woman asked me,

"How do I become a pirate?"

Such a simple question... but oh-so-loaded.

I told her that it was simple enough... one merely chooses the pirate lifestyle and never looks back.

Oh, and there is a secret knock too.

But you don't learn about that until after initiation.

The initiation consists of a series of tests.

Keep in mind, the Pirate Lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. Don't commit to it unless you are fond of pain and suffering... most especially the pain and suffering of others (but also for yourself to a certain extent).

I mean, sure, once you're a Queen, like me, it's all cabin boys and treasure... But building a following? That takes cojones of steel my friends.

And then of course, there is the Pirate Pledge of Allegiance, an oath which all aspiring scurvy knaves must take before they can be admitted to the Society of Pillagers.

It's not to be taken lightly.

There's a whole process...

But just remember, becoming a pirate is a lot like anything else...

The first step is admitting that you have a problem.

Hi! My name is Virginia and I'm sick of life as it is! So I've decided to be a pirate! ARGH!! (Audience response: "Hi Virginia!")

See how simple, yet complex it is?

Any other questions? I'd be happy to clarify.


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Maneater, I am sick of incompetent fools and need to become a pirate in order to survive the year on this horrible backwards island i am forced to associate myself with!

The Pirate Queen said...

Why hello there Maneater... it sounds to me like you would make an excellent pirate! Let us head for the high seas, we will make others pay for our misery!!


Anonymous said...

Dear PQ,
You make me sad. Using that "cojones of steel" cliche. I thought better of you. What it takes are not cojones, but OVARIES, of course. But being a pirate sounds almost as much fun as being a Barbarian. You should try it some time!

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture of...no relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture of...no relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.