Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Mint Chocolate Chip Debacle

I'm hot and sticky and I smell like a peppermint.

Everything was fine until I had that sudden craving... You know how it happens. Admit it. You've been there too haven't you?

You suddenly think of something you need, something that will make everything right in the world. It could be anything, but in that one moment, you just have to have that thing.

For me, it was mint chocolate chip ice cream.

So I made the trek to Smallborotonville and obtained the thing I sought.

I never thought it would end up like this... Hogtied in a shed in the back woods.

I just wanted some ice cream dammit...

Uh-oh, someone's coming...

I'll be back, hopefully.


Anonymous said...

I love mint chocolate chip ice cream! Yum! That makes me hungry now... :(

One Step Behind said...

Hey, I didn't know you had a blog... Beth made me read hers now i'm in the mood to blog. Check out mine if you have the time.

Yours Truely,
That Kid.

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.