Monday, June 30, 2008

My Spiritual Home...Room 106

Yeah, so I would like to point out that school has been officially over for over a week now.

With the exception of Friday and Saturday... I have been in school EVERY DAY.


Well... part of the time I was getting paid to be here ($375 for 15 hours BABY!) and part of the time I was getting crap done that was supposed to be done by the last day of school (Oopsie...guess I'm a little late with that... I'm such a bad example for the children...).

And today?

I'm finishing up some stuff for an on-line class.

Yeah, notice, I said ONLINE class. Meaning of course... I could be doing it from HOME.

Yet I'm not.

Instead... I'm here.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm actually not complaining. I think the true fact of the matter is... I like it here.

You see...if I'm at home...although I really love my house, I'm away from everyone. It's very secluded, which is great and all...but slightly depressing. If, on the other hand, I make the hike up to Tilton, there's always the chance that I might see people...

In in point... Just about an hour ago, someone (The Aviator) noticed me on line, called to find out if I were in town, bought muffins and then stopped in to hang out for a while (and incidentally he fixed the stereo in my room).

You see?

This is why I keep coming here.

Because dammit... I miss you people during the summer... How sick is that?

Clearly I have issues.

...and I'm not much good at not doing anything...

And also, I can not afford real road trips, thanks to the cost of gas.

Have I mentioned that I also have three jobs, yet again, this summer? w00t w00t.


I'm still broke...

I don't get it.

Peace out.

And oh yeah, feel free to stop by... I'll open the side door for ya. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What!? How could they possibly allow a crazy person such as yourself her very own area of the internet to have her own ideas! Blasphemy!

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.