Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm Never Gonna Survive...Unless I Get a Little Bit Crazy

Do you know when the best time is to have an adventure?

I do.

9:42am on a Sunday.

Preferably the Sunday of a long weekend...

After all, that way you still have time to recover from the bruises and abrasions before you go back to work on Tuesday...

So let's face facts. I've been huddled in the Batcave for far too long and it was time for an adventure.

The minute I woke up (4:15am to be precise) I knew that it was time to head out in my never ending search for trouble... Wait, make that Trouble.

Done and done.

I set out to start the day off with a Red Bull and a scrumptious breakfast at a local pirate establishment. With those necessities out of the way, I could safely be about my business...


I began my sojourn innocently enough by buying some cheap hair dye and a shovel.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

You see, the snow shovel was just sitting by the door of Rite-Aid, looking so sad and forlorn that I just felt bad for it.

I mean...who buys a snow shovel in May? In New England?

I'll tell you who... NO ONE. Well, no one except me...

The hair dye was a spur of the moment purchase which I hoped that I would live to regret...

And regret it I did.

After digging that grave, I was far too tired to dye my hair... That's all I'm sayin'.

You see... I wasn't intending to steal a corpse originally... but he, much like the shovel, seemed very lonely all by himself on that park bench... And having experienced a bit of loneliness myself the past few years, I just couldn't bring myself to leave him like that.

So that's how I ended up, at 9:42 on a Sunday, driving into the White Mountains to bury a guy I didn't know with a snow shovel.

As for the dye... I'll let you know how it turns out.


niv4lac said...

remember when you told me your reasoning for joining the NEA?.....

The Pirate Queen said...

LOL...good thing my dues are paid, huh?

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.