Saturday, February 16, 2008

An Early Morning Visitor Disturbs the Pirate Queen's Safe Little World...

An Early Morning Visitor Corners the Pirate Queen, Bringing Back Long Ago Memories
Current mood: scared

After a full day of being watched by a Saltmine Guard, slaying dragons, battling ninjas, and surviving the PepperAlly...

I was completely spent.

Yesterday was two days long. I swear it.

After the day was over, I went and hung out with DopeHat07, MrBigTall and The Bearded One at a local Pirate Dive. I laughed far too loudly and often. I think my laugh may have distracted some of the other patrons from their dining...

When I arrived back at the Batcave I was completely fried. It was before
7pm and I dropped into sleep like a stone into a puddle. My mind and body were completely exhausted and I felt like I'd been dipped in cement and tossed into a lake.

About 20 minutes ago I freed myself from sleep and emerged back into the world... Slowly, ever so slowly I rose to the surface of consciousness and broke free into wakefulness...

Then I smelled the coffee.

Thank Carlos for Brody. Or so I thought...

When I got downstairs I glanced around before turning on the light and saw a dark form sitting in my big red chair. I didn't think much of it, since I assumed that it was Brody, waiting for me.

I should have been more careful. It was not Brody... You guessed it. I had company... A face from the past.

Far too trustingly, I crossed the living room, flicked on the light and was about to turn around and say, "Hi Brody."

It was then that I felt it, something cold, hard and very sharp sticking into my neck.

I turned, slowly, to see who was threatening me.

I'd seen the face before.

My blood turned to cold maple syrup and refused to circulate through my veins in the normal fashion. My legs suddenly felt way too weak to hold up the rest of my body and I could feel my desire to run build, while my ability to do so took off like a dress on prom night.

Although a scream wanted to exit my throat, what came out was a weaker version of my unmistakeable and, or so I'm told, obnoxious, laugh.

I pushed the cutlass away and paused before saying, "Hi Jay."

Instead of a punch in the gut, I got a hug.

It wasn't much different emotionally.

Okay, here's a little backstory for you...

When I was young, before the swashbuckling, before the long road to the Saltmine really began, I had one really close friend. Oddly enough, at the time I never really appreciated how close the friendship was until it was gone. Funny how that happens. What you have to understand is that Jay was never my "boyfriend" in the classic sense... He wanted to be, but even then I knew it was a terrible idea. On some self-protective instinctual level I was aware that he made a great friend but anything more was trouble.

So I enjoyed his friendship and made sure to always keep a knife in my boot, so when the expected happened it would be relatively easy to "curse his sudden, but inevitable betrayal" with protection close at hand. For once, I was smart.

I was sure that chapter was over. The end. Finis.

Clearly, I was wrong.

Jay had a warning for me. It went something like this...

The guild that I was raised in was coming for me. I'd been found. The Kraken's Eyes had drawn the attention of the Guild and the relics were no longer safe.

Jay had located the Batcave and come to warn me. Of course, no one could ever know that he'd helped me or he'd be signing his own death warrant...

He's gone now and I'm still in shock. A part of me wants to wake the Superheroes and ask for their help. Another, better, part of me knows that I have to face this danger alone instead of risking all their lives...

But it's hard to be alone.

I know.

I've been alone a long time now.

Only I know where the relics are kept. I refuse to bring Shaggy, Seymour, Boe and the others into a mission this dangerous...

But if something happens to me, I hope they'll go on fighting.

I hope they'll remember me.

If I survive this one, I'll tell you the story as soon as I can.

If I don't...

Please remember...

You're my favorite.

No comments:

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all

Yup... you guessed it...some random person I'm putting up a picture relation to me at all
Okay fine. It's me.